
Traveling with Weed Edibles: What Boston Tourists Need to Know

March 10, 2025

Boston is a hub for high-quality and exciting weed strains, making it popular among residents and out-of-town tourists. For those on their way to a Boston dispensary for the first time, there’s plenty of preparation to do: choosing the dispensaries to visit, making a budget, researching strains, and more. However, most tourists fail to consider the many rules and regulations governing how weed edibles are allowed to move around the city.

Tourists might be surprised to find that they have less freedom with their edibles than they expected. That doesn’t mean Boston is a boring place if you want to mix cannabis and tourism! It only means that you should come in with a plan.

Here are the main things you need to know about traveling with weed edibles in Boston as a tourist.

top view copy spase close up flower buds cannabis from boston dispensary

Can You Carry Weed With You in Boston?

The short answer is yes, you can go about Boston with weed on your person. You are permitted to carry one ounce of cannabis, but you cannot exceed five grams of concentrate. When it comes to edibles, it’s tougher to manage; after all, some of the weight comes from other ingredients. However, it’s best to keep your purchases small to avoid trouble. A good dispensary can help you understand how much you’re allowed to carry at once!

Can You Bring Cannabis into Boston?

No, you are not permitted to transport weed edibles into Boston unless you purchased them somewhere else in Massachusetts. Crossing from any other state into Massachusetts with any amount of cannabis is not allowed.

Can You Take Weed With You When You Leave?

No, you may not purchase eddies in Boston and then take them back out of the state. While many tourists want to stock up on some of the products they might not be able to get at home, it is illegal to cross state lines with cannabis in your possession.

Can You Ship Weed Back Home?

The same rules that govern land transport across state lines also apply to shipping. You are not permitted to package and ship cannabis edibles back to your home to avoid the rules about leaving Massachusetts with weed. If you want to travel, partake of anything you buy in Boston before you finish your trip.

How Do You Store Weed Properly for Transport?

While tourists are not allowed to bring edibles into or out of Massachusetts, nor are they allowed to ship it, they need not consume all of their weed every time they purchase it. It is permissible to store up to 10oz in a private residence, or tourists can travel throughout Massachusetts (though the one-ounce limit applies during transport).

If you travel with your weed edibles, make sure they are in a securely closed container placed either in a locked glove compartment or the trunk. These are the only approved locations where cannabis can be stored to be compliant with the law.

Are There Any Places You Can’t Have Cannabis?

Many tourists travel with weed so that they can enjoy it while sightseeing, camping, and more. Pairing edibles with a Boston adventure can be exciting, but you must plan for it correctly. Massachusetts does not allow cannabis consumption in any form in public.

There are a few options to avoid this restriction, such as going to an approved cannabis lounge or on a weed-friendly city tour. However, feel free to enjoy your edibles on (your) private property or in an approved location, such as a smoke-friendly hotel.

Similarly, there are strict rules about bringing cannabis into airports. No amount is permissible in any luggage or on your person once on the airport grounds. Anyone who is found to possess any cannabis, including edibles disguised as snacks, may be subject to legal consequences.

What If I Buy Too Much?

Don’t worry too much about getting stuck accidentally traveling with more than the legal limit of weed edibles. Boston dispensaries track how much each patron has bought to prevent them from carrying too much weed at once. If you need help figuring out how to stay within the rules, ask a budtender!

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Enjoy Boston’s Thriving Cannabis Scene

Boston is a great place to mix the effects of your favorite strain with the brilliant sights, sounds, and eats of the city. However, it’s important for tourists to stay aware of the rules about traveling with weed edibles so they don’t get into trouble during their visit.

Stop by Pure Oasis to stock up for your visit, and we can help you follow the rules so you can focus more on your trip and less on remembering the laws.

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